Thursday, October 3, 2013

Craft Show Goodness!

So Saturday is my first craft show of the season.  I have done this show for many years and always do very well, but I am switching things up a bit, which has me a little nervous!   No purses this year!....not a one!

Primitive decorating is very big in our area.  It's not really my style, but I decided to combine prim items with decorating styles that I like.  So I am calling it  "Prim and Proper"....prim, shabby and cottage décor with a vintage flair!   I have also figured out how to print on burlap and other types of fabric to create some really cool pillows and other art pieces.  As you can see I kinda have a thing for mason jars!  Here are a few samples of what I will have at the show.  I will post pictures of my booth after the sale.  Wish me luck!

Table runners....and they are reversible!

A few repurposed garage sale spray paint is a wonderful thing!

A little kitchen shadow who wouldn't love Possum Stew!
This drawer was laying in the "free" pile at a garage sale....I love it when that happens!

Mason jars that I added a Primitive Pantry label to.
Mason jar pillows

Clipboard art and a cute clothespin tuck pillow.

More mason jars and clothespins

Little art wall hangings.

Altered vintage these!

Scrabble words

burlap hearts

burlap pillows

A little Halloween stitchery.

A sewing collage box.....might have to keep this for myself!

A few vintage accessories...truck not for sale!

Mini quilts or candle mats.

Sewing machine drawer collage

Prim babies!

More prim babies.